2024 Conference

Building Collaborative Communities

November 16, 2024

Millikin University (Decatur, IL)

“Works in Progress" Special Session

In keeping with the theme of this year’s conference—Building Collaborative Communities—we invite graduate and undergraduate students engaged in ongoing empirical research to present and discuss their ongoing work in a “Works in Progress” special session at the conference. This session is designed to give students involved in the research process an opportunity to share and discuss their ongoing and developing work in a collegial and relaxed environment that emphasizes productive dialogue. If you are a graduate or undergraduate student with ongoing empirical work who would like to present in the “Works in Progress” special session, complete and submit the form below. To complete this form you should provide a summary of your work in progress that:

  • describes the theoretical and/or empirical background of the project;

  • identifies the primary research question(s) to be answered and/or hypotheses to be tested;

  • identifies the method of research that is or will be employed;

  • describes the data that are or will be collected and analyzed; and

  • describes preliminary findings (if available) or anticipated findings (if applicable).

You do not need to be a current ISA member to submit for presentation in this special session; however, all participants who appear in the conference program must be active members of the Association (having paid annual membership dues) and register for the conference (at no additional cost).

The deadline for submissions is October 18, 2024.

“Works in Progress" Submission Form